Saturday, 16 April 2011

Precepts of the Bible Mission as professed by Father M. Devadas

Baptism: The water baptism given by the pastor is the baptism for the spiritual life. This baptism is performed in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. God is our Father and we are his children. This birth relationship is established by baptism. In the Bible it is simply mentioned as baptism but no clear method of baptizing is specified. The pastor using water without any measure baptizes him that repents and believes in Christ in the Name of the Trinity. Therefore baptism wither by immersion or by sprinkling of water is correct. In the Gospel of Matthew 28th Chapter verse 19, our Lord commands to baptize in the name of the father, Son and the Holy Ghost. Hence the baptism either by immersion or by sprinkling is accepted. If a person is baptized once, no matter when he received it or by whom it is performed, in which way it is performed, in which denomination it is performed is baptism. A person baptized in the name of Trinity should not be baptized again. The apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:5 writes ‘one Lord, one Faith, one baptism.’ Hence baptism is one.

Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Through water baptism, one will get membership in a Church. But through the baptism of the Holy Spirit, one will get heavenly membership. This baptism of the Holy spirit is given by Lord Jesus Christ. It is the chief instrument for the development of the spiritual life and also for the spread of the gospel. In John 3:5 it is written ‘Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.’ Hence, the baptism of the Holy Spirit is vital in the life of every Christian.

Washing of the Feet: Our Lord washed the foot of His disciples before the last supper administered the last supper to His disciples as written in John 13:1-5. In John 13:15 Jesus said “for I have given you an example, that ye should do as I had done to you.” He had set an example and commanded His disciples to follow. In obedience to this word pastors should wash the feet of the believer before administering communion to him for the first time.

The Lord’s Supper: By observing the Lord’s Supper the believer will receive the body and blood of Christ inwardly. It is desirable to observe the Lord’s supper as often as possible. Some sick people will be healed of their diseases if they observe the Lord’s supper. (I Cor 11: 23-34).

Word of God: The Holy Bible was written by the inspiration of God. It is the base of Christianity. This book reveals the mind of God. God may reveal some points through creation, the conscience, divine revelation, good deeds and through troubles. In addition to the written word. When we show the word of God to Satan he will become dumb. Our Lord when He was tempted by Satan on the Mount rebuked Satan by quoting the scriptures. (Matthew 4th Chapter).

Tithes: God commanded the Jews to offer a tenth portion of their income in the temple. The Lord said to prophet Malachi that if they offered tithes they will prosper (Mal 3:10). Apostle Paul also mentioned that the Macedonians offered beyond their power. Hence, every believer should sincerely contribute their tithes to the church and if possible try to offer amounts in excess of the tithes.

Wearing of Jewellery: Regarding wearing of Jewellery in the Old Testament it is written that Rebecca adorned herself with precious jewellery, in the time of Moses also the Lord commanded that the Israelites should borrow precious jewels form the Egyptians and adorn their women with them. In the New Testament our Lord says in Mark 9: 43-47 “if thine hand offend thee cut it off....” Hence whatever could offend can and should be removed. The Bride in New Jerusalem will be adorned with ornaments. They are ornaments of glory. To the Bride in this world ornaments are not forbidden. Adorning with indecent jewellery is not admissible.

On faith and Healing:

Divine Healing: Divine Healing means healing experienced through the prayers of faith without the use of medicine. God has put the healing powers in herbs and plants. Hence, it is not wrong to use medicines. But it is better to get healing through prayer of faith.

Leading a life based on faith: To believe that salvation is available only through Jesus Christ, its nourishment only available through Jesus Christ, and to believe that all the necessary things for physical and spiritual life are available with Christ is Faith. In Philippians 4:19 it is written that ‘God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.’ In Matthew 10:10 it is written our Lord says ‘that the workmen is worthy of his meat.

Casting of devils: Lord Jesus Christ commanded His disciples in Matt 10:8 to cast out devils and has given his disciples the power to do so. Even today the Lord is giving this gift to his believers to rebuke devils and cast them away. (Some people do not believe in the existence of devils. The devils like this kind of false notion.)

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