Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Prayers and Praises for the Lord's Coming - 2

· Some people take upon themselves manifold responsibilities, and getting engrossed
with them, forget about the coming of the Lord. Meanwhile, He comes and takes
with Him those who have waited and kept themselves ready. Those who first
complete all their jobs and then wait for the Lord will find that the Event has
already happened. Similarly, those who are obsessed with their worldly interests
will eventually fail to meet the Lord. O Lord, grant us Thy grace not to be guilty of
neglecting Thy coming in such manner and trusting which we praise Thee.

· Those who are not mindful of the Advent prayers, scriptures and thoughts can not
be a part of the Lord’s coming. Hence, we must keep our minds on these, whatever
be our regular obligations, in order to have access to the Lord’s glory. O Lord, we
trust Thou wilt keep in us the thoughts of Thy coming; and for it accept our eternal
· Just as a farmer, cleanse the grains of the stones in a threshing floor, sieving and
sifting the grain from the chaff, we also have to discard our sinful thoughts and evil
ways. Then only can we turn into worthy grain tube lifted at the Lord’s advent. O
Lord, Thou canst help us purify ourselves and we give Thee our eternal praise.
· A certain woman had a girl baby. The baby crawled around and soiled herself. The
mother washed her. Again the baby did the same thing three to four times and every
time the mother washed her. Likewise, we have to cleanse our minds of evil thoughts
and regularly sanctify ourselves with the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. If we fail to
do so instantly, it will be too late. The moment we fall in sin, we must purify
ourselves with the Lord’s blood any number of times and make the assertion ‘victory
in the blood of Jesus, a constant refrain in our lives. O Lord, we glorify Thee
because Thou wilt give us Thy grace to partake of Thy coming.
· Those who go on a long journey can not travel comfortably unless they have
breakfast, lunch, dinner, and coffee both morning and evening. So also, unless we
enjoy the spiritual food of the Lord’s Body and Blood, we can not make the journey
of this life. Only by taking the Lord’s communion can we enter into the Lord’s
Rapture. O Lord, we believe that we are strengthened to join Thy Rapture by being
nourished with Thy’ Holy Eucharist’ thou hast kept ready for us, and we offer Thee
our exaltations.
· There are some in the Christian congregations who say that the second coming is
near at hand. Only some believe in it. Some others do not. O Lord, if those who do
not believe have a change of heart, prepare them for Thy Advent. Let those who
have believed be strengthened in their faith. Create the faith in those who are
skeptical. Prepare all those who do not believe, who can not believe and have already
believed in thy coming. We trust that Thou wilt make Thy Church ready for Thy
coming, and we give our salutations.
· Among the heathen, there are people who have accepted the Lord and also those who
remain in their unbelief. How can they be prepared for the Rapture ? Somebody has
to guide and instruct them, or else they will be lost. Whether they are prepared or
not, we pray that they be helped to prepare.
· Christians avow that the ‘Second Coming’ will follow certain signs. But we have to
pray for those who make light of this belief saying that these very signs have already
been there, and there is no perceptible change even today. Hence, we have to pray
that the believers record the various signs manifested at different times, in different
countries, and which are yet to be revealed, and also the extra signs outside the
Bible. We have to pray that these be written soon, in order that the whole world may
become aware of them. O Lord, we trust Thou wilt raise such devout followers to
write and show to the world the signs of Thy coming and we express our grateful
thanks to Thee.

 - by Father M Devadas

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