Saturday, 16 April 2011

The events after GOD’s Second Coming

           After the ascension of the bride (the congregation of the believers who are selected by the Lord) the rest of the people who are left behind will undergo seven years of Tribulation.  This tribulation will be caused by the enemy of Christ  the anti- Christ.  During that period many people will get repentance.  (Rev 6:1-17; Mark 13:19; Zephanaiah 1:14-18).  Lord Jesus Christ will come form heaven and make war against anti-Christ at Armageddon and will cast him and his companion namely the false prophet and demons into the lake of fire.  And Jesus Christ will bind Satan for one thousand years in a bottomless pit or in the abyss.  (Rev 16:12-15; 19:19,20; Zech 14th Chapter).

         Later the Lord Jesus Christ will reign on earth peacefully.  During this period gospel will be preached completely to the whole world (Rev 20:4-6; 19:15-16; 5:10).  The Lord will put His throne on the earth to judge the people who heard the gospel during the period of thousand years and He will hear their decisions.  This is called ‘the judgement of the living nations’ and otherwise called the judgement which separates the sheep and the goats.’

          When the Lord looses Satan from the bottomless pit, He will come on the earth and will collect several nations as an army and will make war against the Lord.  Fire which comes from heaven will devour that army of Satan.  Then the Lord will cast Satan into the lake of fire (Rev 20:7-10).  Later the Last judgement, the Lord will judge all people from the time of Adam. 

          In this judgement some will ask “Lord have we not prophesied in Your Name?”   (Rev 20:11-15; Ecc 12:14; Daniel 2:27-29).  The spirits of those who died in Christ will go to Paradise.  This place is also a part of heaven.  This was the place about which the Lord had told on to one of the thieves while He was crucified.  16:22; 23:43; II Cor 12:14; Rev 2:7).  The spirits of those who died without repentance will be in Hades.

         St. Peter in his epistles writes about Christ going to this place and preaching there.  Because God is Almighty He can save those that have repented, even after their death also.  In Psalms 139:8 it was written that ‘If I make my bed in hell, behold thou art there..even there shall thy hand lead me.’  This point can be known form the book ‘Heavenly visions’ written by Sadhu Sundar Singh. (Ps 9:17; 139:8; Amos 9:2; I Sam 2:6; I Peter 3:20; 4:6; Phill 2:9-11; Isa 13:14). Heavenly Congregation of Prayer:  In this congregation prayers will be made for the sake of earth.  It will be very delightful to know more about this prayer group.  (Rev 4:6; Is 6:3; Eze 1st chapter).

            The bride will dwell in the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2).  Those believers who are not included in the group called ‘the Bride’ will go to another part of Heaven which is called ‘heaven for the saved.’ (Rev 7:1-14; 20:4; 14:3).  The believers during the period of vials (held by angels) will remain on earth forever.  After the thousand year reign, this earth will be a part of heaven.’ (Rev 21:1; II Peter 3:13).

- by Father M Devadas

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