Saturday, 16 April 2011

Praising God for His divine attributes - 3

· HOLINESS : Some people have a misconception that God Himself is the root cause of
goodness as well as evil. But how can the Holy God commit sin ? In case God commits
sin or becomes the cuse for sin, He will be the greatest sinner amongst sinners. If He is
sinner, how can He be God ? Does light become darkness and darkness becomes light ?
Faith and praise :O Father, as you are utterly Holy, you have created everything holy. So
we offer our praises. Thogh I am a sinner you will make me Holy and after relieving mefrom
this sinful world at last, you will take me to Heaven which is the abode of Holiness. So we offer
our praises to your Holy Name. Our Holy Father, you abhor sin becuse you are Holy, yet you
are merciful towards sinners. Hence we adore you for this your goodness, After the lst
judgement, you will change this sinful world into a holy world and make it a part of the
Heaven.So we offer our praises to your Holy Name. After that the remaining people on this
world are not aware of sin. As such, the people now in the heaven are sinless for which we
adore your excellent Name. Oh, Holy one, Oh, Holy One, who is, who was and who is to come
(Rev:1 :78)
in all the places and among all saved people only you are worthy of all honour and praise. You
are the Holy one so you have not created sin, so we offer our praises. You were not the creator
of either sin or its consequences. Oh Father, you are the source and sustainer of holiness. So
accept our everlasting praises of your great name.

· FREEDOM : God has absolute freedom. So he is not bound to follow the wishes of
somebody else. He does not need to depend upon someone. Nobody is superior to him,
so he has no need to obey somebody’s orders. While he is doing everything according to
his own will, there is no hindrance for completion of his works.
Faith and praise : Our Father you have given freedom to every creature you created for
which I rejoice whole heartedly. You have given me freedom to worship you whole heartedly
without compulsion, for which I offer my delightful salutations. To our first parents you gave
freedom to eat freely every fruit in the garden. Even now we too have this freedom to enjoy
you have provided for us in this creation. For this gift of yours we offer our hearty praises to
your Name. You have provided every spiritual blessing to the believers. We would not say that
we are short of this nd we are short of that, and you desire that we enjoy every gift without any
limitation. For these bounteous gifts we adore your great name. We extol your goodness while
rejoicing and meditating on your word - “For all things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or
Cephas or the world orlife or death or the present orther future, all the yours; and you are
Christs and Christ is God’s; (I Corinthians 3:21-23) So we extol your good name.

· OMNIPRESENCE : God is Omnipresent. There is no place in the Universe where He
is not present. So we must be conscious always that whatever and wherever we do
anything, it is known to Him, and so this awareness must make us to live carefully in
everything and everywhere. You can not hide anything from Him. If you acknowledge
this greatness of His. He will help youin every place. In Acts 2: 1-4, it is written that
while the disciples were waiting in prayer in the upper room, for the promised Holy
Spirit, they heard a sound from heaven and it filled all the house as they themselves
were filled with the Holy spirit, If you accept this, He will fill all your heart also. How
good the news is this to you to give great joy !
Faith and Praise : Our Father, we adore you because you are present everywhere in the
Universe. You will stay by my side whether I am in my house, or outside orin travel, or in your
Church or at the school or at the workspot. You are with me whether I am in a safe place or in a
dangerous place. Your presence makes me rejoice whether I am in this world or in Heaven. We
offer ourhearty praise of your greatness because you are with us whether we are asleep or in
careless state, whether we are in darkness or in light. We rejoice at the good thought that you, the
Omnipresent God, will be with me in every place I go in the entire universe and throughout all
time. You have provided this blessed life for mealong with the Holy angels and your saints in
your presence. So with this joyful thought, we heartily bless your great Name.

 - by Father M Devadas

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