Saturday, 16 April 2011

Praising God for His divine attributes - 2

· JUSTICE : God is Just. He will never act against the nature ofthe creation. For
example, two fives result in ten ; He will never make it nine even if we pray earnestly.
If He has done so it will be against the order of the nature. He is perfectly just and
judging the men in rewarding and punishing them according to His law.
Faith and Praise : O God you are the embodiment of justice. So we adore your great
Name.As you are just you are punishing the accused. No matter how much sinful one is if he
repents and prays to you, You are just enough to forgive him saying that it is quiet reasonable to
save him. For this your great quality we adore you. As you are the originator of justice, You will
place everyone according to his needs. You will grant everyone as much as one needs. So we
praise your name. You will never commit injustice, so we offer our praises. We notice that
often you will keep silent even if you observe wickedness and afflictions in this world. It is right
in your sight since you have given the privilege of freedom to men. You will not prevent them
from doing so. But according to your justice you have appointed a day of judgment to punish
the wicked who have wilfully misused the freedom. Further, you are giving plenty of time for
the man to repent and to come to you. For this reason you are keeping silent, so we praise you.
When you observe men in difficult times, you will keep silent because you want them to grow in
wisdom and to start a new life. For these your excellent qualities, we worship you and honor

· POWER: God is the power. So He is able to do everything He wishes. Nothing is
impossible with him. One Christian preacher was asked whether God can commit sin.
Then the preacher replied that God will never. Then the enquirer stated that we call God
as the Almighty, when He can not sin. The preacher then said that sinning is like falling
down form holiness, and so does falling down require strength ? Will you state that a
person is strong when he often falls down ?
Faith and praise : O God, You are powerful, and we extol you for your exceedingly
great strength. Oh Father, we bless your great Name, because the great heavens and the vast
earth are your creation and are sustained by your power. Oh Father there is nothing you can not
do for my sake. Hence, we magnify you. Even if I go astray and enter the Sheol or uttermost
parts of the earth you are mighty enough to save mefrom there. So I adore your mighty Name.
We bless your glorious name because you with your might enable us todo those things that can
not be done with our strength. We adore your wonderful Name because you are strong enough
to provide us everything we need, as well as remove those things that we do not need and those
things that harm us. I recognize that you can take me to heaven by your power, as I have
already known that I can not scend to heave on my own accord. Hence, I heartily praise your
esteemed name.

· WISDOM : God isan embodiment of knowledge and wisdom. So no one is capable of
advising Him and counsel Him. We can recognize the growth in the field of knoweldge
by looking at the many innovations made by modern men these days. How excellent
God’s wisdom is which gave human beings such vast knowledge to that great extent.
Even if we share all our knowledge with one another we can never understand how
excellent God’s wisom is. No two things are alike. No two men are alike. No two
animals are alike. No two trees are alike.Unless we thoroughly observe and examine it,
we can not conclude it so.“Oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and
knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgements and how inscrutable his
ways! for who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been His counsellor ?or who
has given a gift to Him that He might be repaid ? For from Him, and through Him and to
Him are all things. To whom be glory for ever and ever” (Romans 11:33-36)
Faith and praise : O God, you are the embodiment of all wisdom and knowledge, we
delight in meditating your excellent Name. Even when I work according tomy foolishness, you
enlighten me with lamp of your wisdom and enable me to do wise things. So I rejoice in
praising your good Name. When we examine the history of creation you made for us, we
observe your wisdom in the excellent order and structure. The way you created man only after
creating all that he needs shows the great order of your excellent and unsearchable wisdom.
You have not created first things last and last things first. But you have wisely created
everything in its due time. So we rejoice in the goodness of your wisdom. You have arranged
everything according to itsproper plaement. You have kept the things in wilderness which should
be kept in the wilderness.You have kept the things in the sea which sould be kept in the sea. The
arrangement and order in your creation shows your excellent wisdom. So I rejoice in your deeds
of wisdom and knowledge.

 - by Father M Devadas

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