Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Prayers and Praises for the Lord's Coming - 1

· A young man from a distant land informed his people that he was coming home.
Would they not feel happy on receiving the message and await his arrival? Likewise,
the Lord also promised to come. Would the young man fail to come after his
message ? Would he not come some time or the other ? In the manner his people
waited for him, if we also wait for the coming of the Lord Jesus, then we can fly back
with him to the promised land. We believe this O Lord, and praise Thee.

· A certain young man wrote home that he was arriving by a particular ship. So, his
people went to the port at ‘Kaakinaada’, to receive him. The ship arrived; but, for
some reason the young man did not turn up. His people went home disappointed.
But, the young man arrived by the next ship. Seeing that his people were not there
to receive him, he went back. Similarly, many people just leave, finding the coming
of the Lord delayed. As the young man arrived by the second ship unexpectedly, the
Lord also will come and take with Him those who are ready. So, let us pray to Him
to prepare us to go with Him, even if His coming is delayed. O Lord, even if Thy
coming keeps us waiting, grant us Thy grace to be ever prepared to go with Thee,
without joining those who remain unprepared and deny themselves Thy eternal
presence. With this faith we offer our praises.
· A certain man wrote to his wife that he was arriving by a particular train and that she
was to receive him, failing which he would never more come home. The wife
prepared the food and went to the railway station in time. That day, it so happened
the train was late by two hours. So, she went home, intending to come back by the
expected time. But, when she was away, the train arrived, the husband alighted the
train, searched for his wife all over the place and finding that she was not there, he
felt sad and disappointed, and left by the same train to another place. In the same
way, if we wait for the Lord and become complacent about His Advent, He may
come unexpectedly and we can not join with him. So, it is imperative for us to be
waiting for him prepared, so that we may accompany him. O Lord, grant us Thy
grace to wait for Thy advent well prepared, for which we offer our praises.
· A certain passenger, on reaching the Godavari railway station was informed that the
train had already left. As the train was to stop at the Rajahmundry railway station, 3
km away, for half an hour, he immediately engaged a jatka and reached the station,
bought his ticket and boarded the train. In the same manner, we also should use our
discretion, complete our earthly responsibilities in time to prepare for the Lord’s
second coming. Even if delayed by any chance, we must, by any means, receive the
Rapture cloud. O Lord, we believe that Thou shalt bless and guide us to use our
intellect like the passenger so that we may partake of Thy advent.
· A certain weaver was weaving a blanket, just before his scheduled departure by a
train. As there was just a little work to be completed, he asked his people to go in
advance and buy tickets including for him. He completed the work quickly, set up
everything properly and went to the station. But as he arrived late, the train had
gone. So also, we may fail to catch the Rapture as in the case of the inadvertent of
the passenger. O Lord, prepare us not to fall victim to such delay at the time of Thy
second coming. We praise and glorify Thee for Thy care.

 - by Father M Devadas

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