Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Maxims to rebuke Satan - 1

O Satan, the son of God came into the world to destroy the works of satan. The scripture
does not say that it is only to drive away Satan (1 John 3:8). So we praise our God by
saying repeatedly “All victory in the blood of Jesus Christ, but everlasting ruin and
complete destruction to the works of satan”.

· O Satan, you showed the forbidden fruit to Eve, and lured her to sin against God. Little
did you dream that the son of God when crucified, would crucify you under his feet for
your deception. So we demand that you ran away from deceiving us.

· O Satan, a thief is punished for the theft, leniently for the first time. But if he does it for
the second time, he would be punished severely. So mind you, as you have been
deceiving crores of people again and again from the time of Adam and Eve, God will
surely punish you very severely, proportionate to the people you have deceived and its
frequency. The final punishment for you is the everlasting hell fire. Though you have
been punished already once, you have not the sense of shame. You are adament and have
a lying tongue. So God will surely teach you a proper lesson. The infernal fire awaits
you, O Satan and all the devils. O Satan, you ought to be grateful and repent of your
wickedness for the creator has not punished you severely at the outset itself. But you
have set your heart to destroy the saints. So we command you to avoid sinning any
further by running away from us.

· O Satan, did not Elisha inform his servant that God’s troops protecting the prophet were
in greater numbers than the enamy’s that came tokill him. (2 kings 6:16). Satan, dont
you realise that even if you besiege us with all your hosts, remember that our God’s army
is stronger than yours, and so your defeat is certain and you need to run away. So
beware of the mighty army of holy angels of God that protect us.

· O Satan, the sages of God are detached from the worldly affairs; and they prayfor the
whole world. We are in this world and pray for all the men of the world. Our prayers
will not go waste. By prayer we gain victory over you and your evil forces. So you
better understand for certain that you are doomed for ever to go to hell, because the
combined prayers of saints constitute a mighty force to bring the doom on you.

· O Satan, on our behalf, there are the holy angels of heaven to fight against you, and saints
of the earth to pray for our protection, with the help of these two armies, and in God’s
strength we will positively defeat you. So you need to run away from us at once.

· O Satan, you always intend to do us harm. But our God will change it into a blessing. In
the victory that is in store for us that blessing is surely provided. O Satan, know surely
that the evil you planned will recoil itself on you and so we rebuke you to desist from
doing any wickedness. (Psalm 141:10; Prov 11:5; Prov 26:27)

· O Satan, many saints have been praying that you and your kingdom should fall. Their
prayers are being fulfilled. We are elated and you are crest fallen because of your
downfall. Since you have dragged many people into sorrow and distress, know surely
that the punishment for all this your wickedness will surely come upon you without fail.

 - by Father M Devadas

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