Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Prayers and Praises for the Lord's Coming - 6

· Oh! men of independent spirit, stop for a while and listen to me. The Lord Jesus, the
Saviour of the world, will come riding on the clouds and take his faithful alive to the mid
skies. Such faithful will not taste death. We urge you to pray and prepare from now. ‘O
Lord, send this message to the whole world.
· Some years ago medical researchers prepared some medicine in tablets to get rid of mice.
Those who bought them kept in their rooms. Some mice swallowed them which caused
terror in them, they did not return any more. So, this became an effective method to
drive out the mice. In the same manner, O Lord, dictate to our prayer group waiting upon
Thee, the message of Thy Salvation and coming, which we would print and publish in
English and distribute it, around the five continents. Then those who are literate will
experience great fear, worry and confusion. The skeptics will have mental aberration.
This is fearful, but still it paves the way to Salvation. This is the new final appeal that we
make to Thee. This will create tremors in human hearts. Then all will cry aloud
entreating Thee to save them and prepare them for Thy coming. Or they will at least
prepare themselves for their own Salvation. We praise Thee for Thou art going to cause
this tremor.
· When people are busy with their jobs, we see that on hearing about the arrival of
somebody, announced by some others, they stop their work and listen to the message.
So also do the people in this world when they hear us proclaiming that the Lord Jesus is
coming again, soon. As our declaration rings in their ears, they will listen carefully.
Some may believe and some may not. Yet, we should not mind. Lord, send the message
of Thy coming in this manner, loud and clear.
· Our dear Lord, how can Thy salvation and Advent message reach the cannibals? If
preachers go to them they kill and eat them. Such people live in Assam, Naga hills and
forests in Africa. Some live naked. Some have assumed the form of gibbons. They have
no intellect. How can the salvation and Thy advent message reach them ? Some
missionaries went for the purpose and were consumed by them who also ate up their
clothes. How can we make them hear this Gospel?

 - by Father M Devadas

Prayers and Praises for the Lord's Coming - 5

· If a great dignitary the like the Governor of a State is expected to visit, people keep the
area decent and presentable by cleaning up the houses, white washing them and keeping
the roads well-trimmed. If the King of Kings is expected, should we not do much better?
Lord, grant us Thy grace to prepare ourselves suitably.
· When the first railway train passed through Rajahmundry, people came out of their
houses, fields and markets and ran to witness the new wonder. In the same way, people
should get ready from all the directions-- East, West, North and South, to join the Lord’s
· Lord Jesus, as Thou art the Divine person anointed to bring Salvation to us, Thy people,
we give Thee eternal praises.
· Jesus, our Lord, it was prophesied in the Old Testament that Thou wouldst come in the
human incarnation into this World. They were all unique promises concerning Thy first
coming which became fore-runner of the ensuing Advent for which we praise Thee.
· Our Lord, Thy birth was unique among the human beings. It is a prelude to Thy second
coming. Hence our praises to Thee.
· Moreover, the life Thou didst lead in this world was great history. It points to Thy
second coming and we praise Thee.
· Our Lord, Thy death on the cross was something exclusive, not experienced by anybody
else. This points to Thy second coming. So, we exalt Thee.
· O Lord, Thy resurrection was glorious never known to anybody else. We see Thy second
coming in it, and we laud Thee.
· O Lord, Thy ascension is not only beyond the comprehension of people, but also a unique
one, unlike that of Enoch and Elijah. It is a sure sign of Thy second Advent.
· Thy expected coming generates desire in awaiting you in great suspense, and thus it is a
peculiar ascension of the Church. It is the solemnizing of the divine marriage. Thy
coming, riding on the clouds, is one that draws the Church to itself. It’s also a coming,
confusing the World. Therefore, our thanks to Thee. Prepare us for such a strange advent.
We salute Thee.
· Ever since the earth was formed, Thou hast been coming whenever Thy devotees are
calling upon Thee. If we count them, they would be many occasions of Thy coming
meant for each one. Therefore, we glorify Thee.
· When certain officials are expected to visit a village, the village munsif makes a
proclamation and orders the people to keep the streets clean, removing garbage and other
obstructions, white-wash the houses with frontage on the street, at their own cost. The
people obey without protest. Likewise, signs are proclaiming the coming of Lord Jesus
Christ. The preachers exhort you to clean up your hearts and prepare yourselves
confessing your sins. They don’t enter into your hearts to do the job. You have to do at
your own initiative. You have to offer prayers and praises spontaneously. You have to
learn the lessons of his coming by yourselves. Lord, create in us the ability and the
possibility to prepare ourselves for Thy coming. So we laud Thee.
· Even the saints and angels in heaven are eagerly waiting for the Lord’s Advent, although
they are not in need. How much more eager should we be, knowing that we need
salvation ?O Lord, the people around us are asking when Thou art coming. Answer
them on our behalf.
· O Lord, we are informing the world about the salvation and thy coming in our own
manner. Now we entreat Thee to instruct us to proclaim Thy salvation and coming in
Thine own manner of Thy manner we are ignorant. As Thou art going to give the
message of Thy coming, we praise Thee.

 - by Father M Devadas

Prayers and Praises for the Lord's Coming - 4

· In a certain village there were many clashes. A man came to see his ailing daughter and
found the depraved situation of the village. He felt that it was not safe to keep his
daughter there, and took her away. Likewise, this is a filthy world, a world steeped in
sin, a world of troubles caused by sins, a world of famines, diseases, poisonous reptiles,
devoid of hope, a world of death and evil spirits and a world of men under the direct
influence of devil. So, the Lord will take us to the heavenly abode and that is the second
coming. Would the daughter decline to go with her father? Similarly, we also should not
hesitate go into the clouds with the Lord. We should declare to God ‘I am ready’ my
God and my Lord, and for declaring thus, we trust Thou wilt grant us Thy grace and we
praise Thee.

· The billowing waves in a sea make noise caused by strong winds, both day and night.
Like that wind, God’s Holy spirit is moving the hearts of the faithful without ceasing.
Then they praise God for receiving the salvation and rejoice in the coming of the Lord
with praises. O Lord teach us both such kinds of praises.

· Our Lord, the sun, the moon and the stars, Thou didst create in the beginning of the
creation are still shining in the firmament. They are moving in their appointed spheres.
In the same way, bless us to walk steadfastly with the lights of joy and prepare us for
Thy Advent. Grant us Thy grace to glorify Thee for Thy Salvation and the hope of

· O Lord, make our spirits Thou hast placed in us keep on meditating upon Thee. Grant us
Thy grace to make our spirits one with Thee. Enable us to praise Thee with our spirit,
and we trust and believe that Thou wilt give us the mind to praise Thee regarding the
Salvation and Thy coming till the time we reach Thy cloud of Shekhina. And for this we
offer our grateful thanks.

· Lord, transform our written praises into praises which are true and acceptable to Thee.
What is written may be erased; but the praise received through the help of Thy spirit
remains indelible. We magnify Thee for granting us such praise.

· O, God, grant us Thy grace to make our praises as sure and genuine as the written

· The Lord’s coming is as certain as the Salvation, Make our exaltation and preparation as

· While attaining to the glory of heaven we discard our mortal coil. Similarly, enable us to
shed our shortcomings which maybe in our praises. Advent preparation and faith.

· The praising prayers written on paper with pen may be blotted out. But the praises
written by the spirit on the parchment of heart shall not be removed. We beseech Thee
to write thus.

· A certain young man, by name Jesudas, migrated to Rajahmundry from the nearby
district. He started roaming on the roads and also dancing while preaching to people
about the second coming of Christ and urging them to know, to pray and to prepare.
People would come running in groups and listen to him out of curiosity. He did not
have any salary for doing it. He was an illiterate. He would go into the streets in the
morning and preach till twelve noon. Then he would sit under a tree and ask God to feed
him as he had done his service. Somebody would come, and finding his need, give him
some food. One day he went to Dowleswaram, a village near Rajahmundry, and started
preaching. The police put him behind the bars. There, from the prison he preached to the
constables and the inspector. Then they let him off saying that he was God’s servant.
Those who are educated have to do the Lord’s work still more in preaching about his
coming. Let us pray that God may raise such preachers. This man got his food through faith. In
another incident, he happened to be walking through a forest, and saw a tgiger sitting on the way.
He started ringing the cymbals and jumping, and told the tiger that as he did not come to harm
him, he also should not. So saying, he jumped in front of the tiger, and the tiger fled. Such
people with deep faith can be ready for the coming of the Lord. They can defy the devil. O Lord,
grant us Thy grace to have such faith to defy Satan.

 - by Father M Devadas

Prayers and Praises for the Lord's Coming - 3

· In the present day world, some people are printing the Gospel tracts and distributing
them to a large number of people. They are doing this inspired by the Lord. Among
the tracts, (1) some refer to the modern times, 2) some others speak of the second
coming of the Lord and (3) the rest speak of the prophecies. These tracts are being
sent gratis. As these are being blessed by the Lord, may He be praised.
· It is twenty centuries since the birth of Christianity and during these twenty
centuries, what things happened, how many accepted Christ, how many signs of the
Lord’s coming were manifested, what kind of glory was given to the Lord thorugh
them and what things were happening in the World, were all recorded by Father Deva
das in a book which he preserved carefully. Subsequently somebody took it,
promising to return it. He has not sent it back till now. If the book can be traced, all
the signs of His coming will be known, and any amount of God’s work can be done.
Please pray for the retrieval of the book. It will help us to know how the heathen
turned to Christ and how they were blessed.
PRAYER: Gracious Father, some people are preparing themselves for Thy coming and
some are not.. Some are intending to prepare and some are making efforts to prepae, but they
are unable to prepare. So, help us all prepare fo r Thy coming and have the privilege of joining
Thee into the Final Dispensation.
· King Saul, despite being anointed, and receiving the spirit and being victorious in
battles finally went astray. In the same way, some Christians remain steadfast almost till
the end, and get dispirited and lose themselves at the eleventh hour. We thank Thee, for
Thou wilt keep us from falling victim to such situations.
· Those who have never heard about the Salvation nor the Second Advent, may succeed in
being accepted in the last moments, just as those who reach the railway station late, may
be able to catch the train as it is in motion. Did not the thief on the cross have a change
of heart in that last moment? We believe that Thou wilt give us grace to partake of Thy
coming in that manner, for which we express our grateful praise.
· Some people experience the change of heart while on death bed, and very few of them
get prepared for Thy coming, and that is out of Thy grace. We implore Thee to grant us
that grace, and we give our thanks.
· Some believers are in the process of completing their good works when the Advent
happens and some who are ready for Thy Advent, may join Thee even if they are having
their food. We trust that Thou wilt grant us the grace of being Ruptured in whatever
state we are at the time, and for that we express our thanks.
· Some of Thy faithful are raised into Thy Rapture even while sleeping and for that our
heart-felt gratitude.
· Some believer might be mourning the death of another person elsewhere. Yet, he may be
· One would like to return to native home as in the case of a daughter going to her father’s
place. So also the faithful await the coming of the Lord as the bride waits for the
bridegroom’s arrival. So, the Church like the Bride shall meet the Bridegroom Jesus as
He comes. Those who fail to ‘wait’ shall miss it. We praise Thee, Lord, because Thou
wilt help us become the ‘Waiting Church’.

 - by Father M Devadas

Prayers and Praises for the Lord's Coming - 2

· Some people take upon themselves manifold responsibilities, and getting engrossed
with them, forget about the coming of the Lord. Meanwhile, He comes and takes
with Him those who have waited and kept themselves ready. Those who first
complete all their jobs and then wait for the Lord will find that the Event has
already happened. Similarly, those who are obsessed with their worldly interests
will eventually fail to meet the Lord. O Lord, grant us Thy grace not to be guilty of
neglecting Thy coming in such manner and trusting which we praise Thee.

· Those who are not mindful of the Advent prayers, scriptures and thoughts can not
be a part of the Lord’s coming. Hence, we must keep our minds on these, whatever
be our regular obligations, in order to have access to the Lord’s glory. O Lord, we
trust Thou wilt keep in us the thoughts of Thy coming; and for it accept our eternal
· Just as a farmer, cleanse the grains of the stones in a threshing floor, sieving and
sifting the grain from the chaff, we also have to discard our sinful thoughts and evil
ways. Then only can we turn into worthy grain tube lifted at the Lord’s advent. O
Lord, Thou canst help us purify ourselves and we give Thee our eternal praise.
· A certain woman had a girl baby. The baby crawled around and soiled herself. The
mother washed her. Again the baby did the same thing three to four times and every
time the mother washed her. Likewise, we have to cleanse our minds of evil thoughts
and regularly sanctify ourselves with the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. If we fail to
do so instantly, it will be too late. The moment we fall in sin, we must purify
ourselves with the Lord’s blood any number of times and make the assertion ‘victory
in the blood of Jesus, a constant refrain in our lives. O Lord, we glorify Thee
because Thou wilt give us Thy grace to partake of Thy coming.
· Those who go on a long journey can not travel comfortably unless they have
breakfast, lunch, dinner, and coffee both morning and evening. So also, unless we
enjoy the spiritual food of the Lord’s Body and Blood, we can not make the journey
of this life. Only by taking the Lord’s communion can we enter into the Lord’s
Rapture. O Lord, we believe that we are strengthened to join Thy Rapture by being
nourished with Thy’ Holy Eucharist’ thou hast kept ready for us, and we offer Thee
our exaltations.
· There are some in the Christian congregations who say that the second coming is
near at hand. Only some believe in it. Some others do not. O Lord, if those who do
not believe have a change of heart, prepare them for Thy Advent. Let those who
have believed be strengthened in their faith. Create the faith in those who are
skeptical. Prepare all those who do not believe, who can not believe and have already
believed in thy coming. We trust that Thou wilt make Thy Church ready for Thy
coming, and we give our salutations.
· Among the heathen, there are people who have accepted the Lord and also those who
remain in their unbelief. How can they be prepared for the Rapture ? Somebody has
to guide and instruct them, or else they will be lost. Whether they are prepared or
not, we pray that they be helped to prepare.
· Christians avow that the ‘Second Coming’ will follow certain signs. But we have to
pray for those who make light of this belief saying that these very signs have already
been there, and there is no perceptible change even today. Hence, we have to pray
that the believers record the various signs manifested at different times, in different
countries, and which are yet to be revealed, and also the extra signs outside the
Bible. We have to pray that these be written soon, in order that the whole world may
become aware of them. O Lord, we trust Thou wilt raise such devout followers to
write and show to the world the signs of Thy coming and we express our grateful
thanks to Thee.

 - by Father M Devadas

Prayers and Praises for the Lord's Coming - 1

· A young man from a distant land informed his people that he was coming home.
Would they not feel happy on receiving the message and await his arrival? Likewise,
the Lord also promised to come. Would the young man fail to come after his
message ? Would he not come some time or the other ? In the manner his people
waited for him, if we also wait for the coming of the Lord Jesus, then we can fly back
with him to the promised land. We believe this O Lord, and praise Thee.

· A certain young man wrote home that he was arriving by a particular ship. So, his
people went to the port at ‘Kaakinaada’, to receive him. The ship arrived; but, for
some reason the young man did not turn up. His people went home disappointed.
But, the young man arrived by the next ship. Seeing that his people were not there
to receive him, he went back. Similarly, many people just leave, finding the coming
of the Lord delayed. As the young man arrived by the second ship unexpectedly, the
Lord also will come and take with Him those who are ready. So, let us pray to Him
to prepare us to go with Him, even if His coming is delayed. O Lord, even if Thy
coming keeps us waiting, grant us Thy grace to be ever prepared to go with Thee,
without joining those who remain unprepared and deny themselves Thy eternal
presence. With this faith we offer our praises.
· A certain man wrote to his wife that he was arriving by a particular train and that she
was to receive him, failing which he would never more come home. The wife
prepared the food and went to the railway station in time. That day, it so happened
the train was late by two hours. So, she went home, intending to come back by the
expected time. But, when she was away, the train arrived, the husband alighted the
train, searched for his wife all over the place and finding that she was not there, he
felt sad and disappointed, and left by the same train to another place. In the same
way, if we wait for the Lord and become complacent about His Advent, He may
come unexpectedly and we can not join with him. So, it is imperative for us to be
waiting for him prepared, so that we may accompany him. O Lord, grant us Thy
grace to wait for Thy advent well prepared, for which we offer our praises.
· A certain passenger, on reaching the Godavari railway station was informed that the
train had already left. As the train was to stop at the Rajahmundry railway station, 3
km away, for half an hour, he immediately engaged a jatka and reached the station,
bought his ticket and boarded the train. In the same manner, we also should use our
discretion, complete our earthly responsibilities in time to prepare for the Lord’s
second coming. Even if delayed by any chance, we must, by any means, receive the
Rapture cloud. O Lord, we believe that Thou shalt bless and guide us to use our
intellect like the passenger so that we may partake of Thy advent.
· A certain weaver was weaving a blanket, just before his scheduled departure by a
train. As there was just a little work to be completed, he asked his people to go in
advance and buy tickets including for him. He completed the work quickly, set up
everything properly and went to the station. But as he arrived late, the train had
gone. So also, we may fail to catch the Rapture as in the case of the inadvertent of
the passenger. O Lord, prepare us not to fall victim to such delay at the time of Thy
second coming. We praise and glorify Thee for Thy care.

 - by Father M Devadas

Maxims to rebuke Satan - 3

· O Satan, you are unworthy to accuse anybody of crimes, as you are yourself criminally
involved and prompt others to do similarly. So we rebuke you not to be an accuser.

· O Satan, if a boy knocks down another one, who is the guilty ? Is the one who has
knocked down the other or the other who fell down, guilty ? As you are the one who
knocks others down., know surely that you are the guilty one. God forgave Adam and
Eve for having fallen down from His grace and blessed them. But God did not forgive
you, Satan, but He cursed you, God’s act of justice continues the same even today. You
made our patriarchs such as Judah, and David to fall into sin. They are forgiven, saved
and blessed, and they did great service to God. You are not willing to serve God, but are
a stumbling block in God’s ways. So we command you to get out of our ways.
· O Satan, you approached Dr. Martin Luther with a big list of his sins, with a view to
accuse him. He was not frightened at that, but he rebuked you saying- “ Lord Jusus has
wiped away all my sins, satan, and so you can not accuse me of these sins”. So you fled
away from him. So also, we rebuke you to run away from us as a coward.
· O Satan, it is written in the Book of Revelation that satan carries tales of every one’s
sins. Therefore you are dubbed as the accuser by our God. You are a habitual liar to
accuse others who are not guilty, because those whose sins are forgiven can not be
called guilty. You accuse the saved ones of their sins. Hence you are guilty of
falsehood, and so the accused one. So be afraid of the consequent punishment you are
worthy of your evil.
· O Satan, our Father has given the title, accuser, for you. You are in the habit of carrying
tales against the believers of God. The Lord says- “O Satan, when you trouble the saved
ones they come to me and report against you. Then I have to drive you away. Besides, I
will wipe away the entire list of sins you hae levelled falsely against them.” So we
command you to forsake lying.
· O Satan, as your period of freedom is fast coming to an end, you are trying to seduce men
‘into sin. But the Lord says- “I will not judge believers on the basis of your report”(Job
35:13,14). Hence, O satan, be ashamed and begone. You need not overhear our secrets.
God gave us power to crush you and rebuke you. Hence we abuse and rebuke you and
your entire retinue to flee from us.
· O Satan, we are aware of the destruction that awaits you. You don’t seem to understand
well that your down fall is not far off. We are strengthened by our Lord to smash your
face and break your jaws. You will never know the secrets of our strength because it is
the Lord Himself (Judges 15:14). You come to us only to be abused by us and put to
shame. These rebukes we announce are not only for you but for your entire hosts. Our
prayers are like electric shocks that burn you to ashes. Are you not hurt badly enough for
you to run away in defeat ?
· O Satan, you don’t want us to intercede for the world. It is only because you have not
created it. Our Almighty and Loving Father made it for us and so we pray for it. We
know that God created hell fire for your sake; and so you are not our equal. Since you
are sure to suffer hell fire, be afraid of the punishment awaiting you and run away from
· O devils, though we were sinners, we are the forgiven ones because we are redeemed by
the blood of Jesus shed for our sins. Since you have not repented of your sins, you
deserve only the wrath of God. So be afraid of the God whom we adore.
· O Satan, our Father would not let you go free of the punishment reserved for you. Your
punishment is at hand. Recall to your mind all the harm you have done to the creation and
mankind since the creation of the earth and heavens. All the accumulated sin will surely
be accounted on you and accordingly punished. You are already cursed. Therefore we
have strong authority to crush you again and again.
· O Satan, our Father blesses His creation every minute. At the same time He pours out
His judgements on you and your followers. When God blessed Adam and Eve. He
cursed satan the serpent to lick the dust of the earth, a humiliation to you. But God gave
two promises to Adam and Eve. Firstly, He gave bread earned with hardwork and
secondly, the Redeemer through their family line. By this we understand that what God
gave to man, you are deprived off, and that a Redeemer would be born from among men
and not from among your hosts. All victory for the Redeemer Jesus Christ and
everlasting hell fire for satan and his followers.
· O Satan, hell is prepared for you and your followers, but not for us (Math 25:41).You
have deceived many saying that hell is meant for men. Since our God has revealed the
truth, you need not gloat over your act of deception. You often frighten men that they
have to suffer eternal fire. But we know that the hell has been made and reserved for
you and your followers long before the creation of Adam. But afterwards it has been
allotted to man who follow you. For this reason, your affliction and sufferings will be
made greater and unbearable to you. So, we rebuke you to let this fear keep you away
from us.

 - by Father M devadas

Maxims to rebuke Satan - 2

O Satan, observe at the frightful struggle between Peacock and cobra snake On one side
the Peacock continues to peck and wound the Cobra, and the Cobra in turn goes on
hitting it with poisonous bites. Finally the Cobra’s end draws near seeing this the
mongoose comes running and bites off the snake to its death. In a like manner the
believers in Jesus Christ and saints would surely conquer you.
· O Satan, Be sure to know that God will punish you according to the number of times you
have tempted people into sin and to the various kinds of temptations and its intensity you
have made. So we admonish you to leave you to leave your wickedness and run away
from us.

· O Satan, you have a misconception that we have not repented of our sins. When you
have not repented, you have no right to accuse against us before God. So we rebuke you
not to point your finger of accusation against others.
· O Satan, when you stand judged for punishment, how could you judge others as guilty?
This is against God’s holy Law. Is it not written in the Book of Revelation about the
punishment that is sure tobe given you since you have not repented. (Rev.20:10)
· O Satan, however much evil you have introduced in man, he isnot without certain
goodness and freedom to turn to God. This goodness is a gift from God. Seeing this
goodness, you need to repent But you try to remove the diine gifts from him, thereby you
betray your hard heartedness. Know surely that this hardness of heart will surely lead you
to your doom in hell fire.
· O Satan, suppose one of us prays thus : “God, enable satan and his angels to repent for
all their wickedness, and allot a portion in heaven. O God, we beseech you to bestow
upon them your kindness to save them from hell.” Even for such loving prayer you
don’t feel happy. So you are sure to reap what you sow.
· O Satan, one of us prayed in this manner : O God, do not let any man go to hell”, O
Satan, if all men go into heaven, there would be none for you to lead them into
temptation. So how good if you repent of your wickedness.
· O Satan, you are fully aware of the assemblies of the Church that are being conducted
now. You know that you will never meet with success in disrupting them. So we
admonish you to repent now.

· O wicked Satan, our God spoke through Joel, “In the lst days, I will pour out my spirit
on the young and the old”. On the strength of this prophecy, we are sure that our God
will save from you many people. But you are trying to enter into our children in disguise
to deceive and disturb them. But you beware that our God has given us the spiritual gift
gift of discerning of spirits and so you are sure tobe found out inspite of your disguise
and we will drive you out to your shame. Our Lord has given us warning to be alert and
watchful. Thus, He has saved us from your evil influence and strengthened us with the
Holy Spirit.On account of His blessing, victory be to our Lord, His Church, His children
and to us for ever; but only ruin and destruction to you and your wicked host.

 - by Father M Devadas

Maxims to rebuke Satan - 1

O Satan, the son of God came into the world to destroy the works of satan. The scripture
does not say that it is only to drive away Satan (1 John 3:8). So we praise our God by
saying repeatedly “All victory in the blood of Jesus Christ, but everlasting ruin and
complete destruction to the works of satan”.

· O Satan, you showed the forbidden fruit to Eve, and lured her to sin against God. Little
did you dream that the son of God when crucified, would crucify you under his feet for
your deception. So we demand that you ran away from deceiving us.

· O Satan, a thief is punished for the theft, leniently for the first time. But if he does it for
the second time, he would be punished severely. So mind you, as you have been
deceiving crores of people again and again from the time of Adam and Eve, God will
surely punish you very severely, proportionate to the people you have deceived and its
frequency. The final punishment for you is the everlasting hell fire. Though you have
been punished already once, you have not the sense of shame. You are adament and have
a lying tongue. So God will surely teach you a proper lesson. The infernal fire awaits
you, O Satan and all the devils. O Satan, you ought to be grateful and repent of your
wickedness for the creator has not punished you severely at the outset itself. But you
have set your heart to destroy the saints. So we command you to avoid sinning any
further by running away from us.

· O Satan, did not Elisha inform his servant that God’s troops protecting the prophet were
in greater numbers than the enamy’s that came tokill him. (2 kings 6:16). Satan, dont
you realise that even if you besiege us with all your hosts, remember that our God’s army
is stronger than yours, and so your defeat is certain and you need to run away. So
beware of the mighty army of holy angels of God that protect us.

· O Satan, the sages of God are detached from the worldly affairs; and they prayfor the
whole world. We are in this world and pray for all the men of the world. Our prayers
will not go waste. By prayer we gain victory over you and your evil forces. So you
better understand for certain that you are doomed for ever to go to hell, because the
combined prayers of saints constitute a mighty force to bring the doom on you.

· O Satan, on our behalf, there are the holy angels of heaven to fight against you, and saints
of the earth to pray for our protection, with the help of these two armies, and in God’s
strength we will positively defeat you. So you need to run away from us at once.

· O Satan, you always intend to do us harm. But our God will change it into a blessing. In
the victory that is in store for us that blessing is surely provided. O Satan, know surely
that the evil you planned will recoil itself on you and so we rebuke you to desist from
doing any wickedness. (Psalm 141:10; Prov 11:5; Prov 26:27)

· O Satan, many saints have been praying that you and your kingdom should fall. Their
prayers are being fulfilled. We are elated and you are crest fallen because of your
downfall. Since you have dragged many people into sorrow and distress, know surely
that the punishment for all this your wickedness will surely come upon you without fail.

 - by Father M Devadas

Prayer of Consecration - 4

I have decided to think every time of hardship as meant for my good, and also to perform all
customary practices. I determine to have thought of Thee every time, everyday and resolve not to
fail in doing good. I have also undertaken to praise Thee immediately after waking up and learn all
things from Thy Holy Book and pray for myself and all others. I also undertake to sing songs,
witness Thess to others, go to Church, read good journals and books, give alms to the poor, be
kind to all living beings, offer prayers immediately on ncountering every needy situation, pray
while eating, drinking and going anywhere, conduct family prayers, pray whenever I wake up at
night and all such practices without fail. Also, I am decided to be honest in whatever things I have
to do for my livelihood and in the matter of my profession. God, Thy will is my will. In the event of
my will contradicting Thy will, I will give up my will.

· God, If Thou dost tell me to go to a certain place, even if I am not inclined to go there or I do not
have the ability or possibility to go, still I resolve to go without a question as Abraham did.
· God, If Thou wilt entrust me with a difficult tgask and ask me to do it without fail, I will do it
even if I get discouraged and feel indisposed to it.
· God, if thou dost command me to convey Thy words to someone I dislike, I will give up all the
timidity entrenched in me and undertake to talk to him.
· God, If Thou wilt require me to go to another person to testify to Thee, I am determined to do so
even if I do not know what to speak.
· God, if Thou dost ask me to cross the forest infested with wild animals, stand in a village beyond
and preach Thee, I will go there without fear.
· God, If Thou wilt ask me to go to the cannibals living in the Naga hills near Assam and preach to
them, I will go without asking a question and do so; but will not say “Provided I am given
· God, if Thou dost tell me that Thou wilt send me to a land where I am not familiar with the local
language, I resolve to go without argument and preach Thee.
· God, If Thou dost ask me to go to some land saying that people there will pierce me with spears
and kill me, I decide to go there well-dressed. (you will acquire the crown of a martyr)
· God, if Thou dost ask me to go to yonder hill and go on fast for forty days, I am determined to do
it saying that there is no greater privilege.
· God, when somebody dear to me is on the verge of death and many people are praying for him, if
Thou dost not hear their prayers still I will rejoice and praise Thee.
· God, if Thou dost ask me to announce the poor feeding on the next day when I do not have a pie
in my hand, still I shall undertake to do it.
· God, even when Thou dost ask me to perform any impossible thing, I am decided not to say ‘no’
· God, it is written in They word that in Lord Jesus Christ there is no difference between man and
woman. So give me power to make myself acquainted, which is to treat the small girls as younger
sisters, older girls as elder sisters, small boys as elder brothers, elderly women as mothers and
elderly men as fathers. I am prepared to exhibit a sense of respect when I see people in authority,
elders and teachers.
· My Fahter, whenever I think of anybody or see people, I resolve to say this two-word prayer in
my mind “Bless them”
· God, I am determined to feel pity in my heart when I remember or see people in distress.
· God, I am resolved to pray for every country and every Island when I happen to peruse the world
· O God, I am prepared to pray some times for those who pracatice mono-theistic worship,
the Jews, the Budhists, the Jains, the Zorastrians and the Atheists.
· God, I am determined to pray sometimes for the living creatures, the vegetation, the cursed earth
and all which that are in the sky above.
· God, I am resolved to pray that Thou bless all that Thou hast created.
· God, I have decided to plae before Thee all the items which I have forgotten to pray for.
· O God, I am determined to pray for the things that men have designed fo rtheir use such as,
schools, hospitals, handicraft institutes, all professions and all useful articles.

God, I place some petitions before Thee
(1) I believe that Thou wilt soon fulfil the things mentioned in the lyric “O Christian Church!the time
has come for accomplishing great things”.
(2) I trust that Thou wilt accomplish the contents of the song, “When the eternal God is on my side,
what can man do to me ?”
(3) I also trust that Thou wilt have realized the things written in the song”Mental distress is not for you
but only ithe thoughts of glory”
(4) I believe that Thou wilt bless still more greatly the song”Recite the name of Jesus”.

 - by Father M Devadas

Prayer of Consecration - 3

However pure my birth andmy life have been, If I am not ready for heaven at the time of death, all
my life is a waste. In cse, I am ready at the time of death, I can have the blessedness of entering
heaven. There is another time of blessedness which isstill greater. For that time, the moment of
blink, which is the second advent of our Lord if I am not prepared. I shall have to remain to suffer
tribulations on the earth. if I live with faith all the time, believe everything but not the second
coming, or even believing in the second coming but not prepared for it, how wretched a state will
befall me ! As Thou hast placed before us a life of devotion, a righteous death and the ascension
(the Rapture) with the faithful group of the living, I give Thee many salutations. If it is not so, what
profits our lives ? Father, Thou canst keep me from falling into such a useless state, and I bow
down to Thee.

· O the most holy Father! even after Thou didst create the first parents in a holy state, they fell into
sin resulting in its entering into us all. O Father, Thu hast placed in us the strength needed to
discard sin. But, I am not able to be free from sin. I am trying, yet am falling. Again I confess
before Thee. The brilliance of the sun, moon and stars together pales before Thy holiness. Also,the
holiness of the holy angels falls far below Thy divine holiness. Then how can we the sinners, be
blameless ? But for Thy forgiveness, We should have perished already. My Lord, wheneversin has
entered my thoughts, words, efforts and deeds, I have tried to dismiss it. Thou wilt giveme Thy
help in the matter. When any bad is discovered, I resolve to resist satan saying ‘O Satan,this is
your doing. You have no power over me. Go awa’. I try to purify myself by confessingmy sins
before Thee from time to time.

· God, sin is not confined to itself. It is entering into human beings and causing diseases.At that time
I resolve to implore Thee for healing. I try to find the cause of the disease, and getrelief from it by
confessing that sin before Thee. In case, I fail toget healed, I pray to Thee andtake the medicine
with Thy blessing. Didst Thou not use water as medicine in the case of Naaman! knowing
beforehand that man would fall into sin and consequently become sick,Thou didst create herbs and
other medicinal plants, giving some people the knwledge to turn them into medicines, by the use of
which Thou art healing many people. This is Thy wonderful grace.Yet, I desire that those that have
taken Thy name secure healing from diseases through prayer,praises and faith, avoiding medicines.

· Father! hardships, poverty and falling into debts are caused by sin. If they happen to me, I try to
get rid myself of them through faith.

· Apart from these difficlties there are many more, to get rid of which I make effort through prayer.

· Sin generates another sin-- disbelief, cowardice, worry, indecision, annoyance, misunderstanding
Thy guidance, inability to understand Thy silence. I resolve to acquire courage through Thee by
refusing to fear satan, adversaries, stormy weather, heat, rain, lightings, evil dreams, false visions,
wars, famines, contagious diseases, poisnous creatures, death, hell, etc.,

· I am prepared to believe in the promises as recorded in John. 14:14, Eph.3:21, and the exhortation
given in Mark. 11:24.

· God the Holy spirit, who has advised me to be holy as Thou art holy, I give Thee many praises.
Keep meaway from every sin. Let me not get into temptation. I have decided to avoid every sin
known to me. I am making effort to avoid committing tghe sins such as, forgetting Thee, getting
annoyed with Thee, being ungrateful toThee, being slack in going to the worship, showing
disrespect to elders, beating people, having evil desires towards men and women, coveting other’s
property, failing to return what is stolen coveting other’s property, failing to return what is stolen
from others, creating rumours against others and defaming them, telling lies, making fabrications,
indulging in false arguments, feelling jealous, scolding impropertly, hating others, rebuking,
conspiring agiainst others, writing anonymous letters, partaking of the sinful acts of others and
allother such transgressions.

 - by Father M Devadas

Prayer of Consecration - 2

O triune God, revealed as the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit, I give Thee many praises for
Thy manifestation. Thou art not the God that is hidden but one who doth reveal thyself. As Thou
art the God revealing to me Thy qualities, Thy deeds and Thy greatness, I bless Thee. Thou art
revealed as one and three persons at the same time. We can not understand the mystery, yet we
believe. I can understand it when I reach heaven. How can I understand Thy infinite wisdom with
my limited knowledge ? I shall be learning anew the things about Thee, into endless time. As there
isno end to Thy revelation and my learning of it, I offer my endless praises to Thee.
· glory incarnate ! O the incarnation of bliss ! I believe that Thou wilt give me the blissfulstate of
spending my time always in Thy presence, in Thy fellowship, and in beholding Thy face for Thy
glory, and I laud Thee accordingly.

· O God, who hast endowed us with body ! we exalt Thee. Thou art transforming this body which is
sinful into a holy one. Finally, Thou shalt give me a glorious body and receive me to Thyself.
Hence, I give Thee y thanks. Thou didst reveal Thyself in three ways. Likewise, Thou hast given
me three kinds of state which are life, body and spirit, and for them I give my veneration. I praise
Thee for uniting these three to make me one person. On one hand I am like Thy child, while on
the other, I count for three individuals. For this unique creation I give my praises. Father, I believe
that Thou wilt help me retain all the things Thou hast given me and I glorify Thee.
· Father, who can describe Thy state, Thy deeds, Thy divine qualities, Thy treatment of me and Thy
glory ? So, I give Thee many salutations.

· O Father the generous Giver, I exalt Thee for Thy free-gifts. The air is freely given and I pay no
tax. Even, in case I pay, it won’t be enough. I praise Thee for all Thy free gifts as long as they
last. Since the time Thou didst create the world, till the end of it, Thou hast been giving freely, to
all the humanbeings, both the unfaithful and the faithful, all the animals, all the vegetation and all
the living things. If we try to acquire them ourselves, we can not secure even a bit.Thou art giving
us innumerable fruits and vegetables.Many are left after we have consumed them. So we exalt
Thee. The waters also remain unused. There are many minerals and metals Thou hast kept
underneath the earth.Men have not utilized them still. They are using only a few of them. The air
is not getting exhausted. The things Thou hast placed on the table before us are not being consumed
fully.As we keep on using them from one side, Thou art continuously giving anew on the other.
Who can describe Thy giving nature ? We are not able to utilize all of them on account of our
foolishness. If all men have the ability to receive. Thy gifts, all would be rich without exception
and none would be left poor. There is nothing that is useless in the things created by Thee. Thou
art spending much in my care everyday. Can I pay if Thou dost prepare bill ?For Thy gifts given
every minute, I offer my grateful thanks to Thee.

· O Father, of all the gifts that Thou hast given, the gift of Thy son is the most significant and
infinite. The reason why I should praise Thee is that I am duty bound to venerate Thee every
moment. There isno greater gift than Thy son. And for that I bless Thee. What can I say to Thy
injunction that I should discard sin, be baptized, receive Salvation, partake of Thy holy communion,
do service in the salvation of others, have Thy holy Book imprinted in my heart and that I
should reach Thy holy presence at the end of my life! If I sit up to count Thy gifts, my life-time
will not be enough. Although our faith, our understanding and our praise is very little in Thy sight,
it is amazing that Thou dost accept it. What can I say, and how can I describe ! With whatever care
I praise Thee, it still falls short. Yet, Thou art delighed, for which I laud Thee. There is not gift
beyond the gift of Thy Son, no grace beyond the grace Thou dost show, and no salvation outside
Thy Church. Hence, I give Thee countless praises for Thy magnanimity.

 - by Father M Devadas

Prayer of Consecration - 1

God, our Father, who hast created all things for my sake, who dost provide all that I require
everyday, who dost give me without ceasing despite my being child unable to receive, who hast created me,
Father dear tome, God my Father, my Lord, y Sustainer, my protector and my lord ! I offer three many
praises. Father, as Thou didst choose me as Thy child, not only through Thy creation but also through Thy
Son, I give Thee grateful thanks.
I praise Thee for the love Thou art showing me through Thy gifts, Thy patience, Thy guidance, Thy
actions in removing my hardships and Thy benevolent deeds done to me. Yet, what is my praise compared to Thy love! what is my gratitude coming from my heart before Thy infinite love !
If I keep on praising Thee without doing any other job, even that would be very small before Thy
compassion. As Thou art receiving such small praises with Thy willing hands, I thank Thee. Remembering
Thy power with which Thou hast been protecting me till now and guiding me into prosperity, I lud Thee. I
trust Thou wilt perform such deeds in my case in the days to come, for which I exalt Thee. My hope is that
Thou wilt surely admit me into heaven at the end of my life and I salute Thee for it.
· O God without beginning, God eternal, God that art, and God not created ! I exalt Thee for Thy
· O infinite God, Thou art everlasting, So I give Thee ever-living praises. As Thou shalt be forever,
my endless praises to Thee.
· O God of life, when my life becomes weak and enervated Thou shalt pour a new life into me for
which I give my ever-living praises.
· O Powerful God, As Thou cast make possible in my case any difficult work or impossible task, I
give thanks to Thee with all my strength.
· O Omniscient God, as Thou art full of wisdom, Thou dost know about my hardships and my
desires, even before I place them before Thee. Hence, Thou canst fulfil my desire.
Even if there are many hindrances to have my desires fulfilled, Thou dost have the wise way
remove all complications for their fulfillment. Hence, all my thanks to Thee that I know of, and all
the praises that my understanding is aware of.
· O Holy God, Thou didst create me and all other things holy, but as sin entered, I became unholy.
Yet, on account of Thy holiness, Thou canst renew my holiness for which I laud Thee with pure
and sanctified mind.
· O Father, Love incarnate, as Thou art loving me much more deeply than the earthly parents love
their children, I give Thee my salutations.
· O God of justice, as Thou art admonishing me justly whenever I am in the wrong, it is proper
that I offer my thanks. Hence, I applaud Thee.
· O God without form, even if I am not able to see Thee on account of my debility, Thou art seeing
me. Although Thou art formless, Thou hast given me a useful physical form, and also a spirit
without form. Hence, I exalt Thee with my body and spirit.
· O Father omnipresent, Thou dost exist in heaven, the earth and all places. Hence, I glorify Thee.
Thou canst be present wherever I go and be my companion helping me. Thou canst remove from
many thought of feeling lonely. Hence, I give my thanks in all places.
· O the independent Lord, I salute Thee, for Thou art the Father capable of accomplishing all things
by Thyself. Thou canst also give me the strength to do things independently. Thou hast granted me
the capability to render things on my own depending upon Thee alone. Hence, my praises to Thee
spontaneously offered. I desire to praise Thee freely without being compelled. By granting meall
Thy qualities, Thou hast endowed me with the form of Thy characteristics and Thy desire.
After giving me all Thy qualities except the quality of free will, it would be futile to have all the
others. Hence, I praise Thee for granting me the quality of freedom.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Invitation: Bible Mission meetings in Bangalore on 05/11


Rev. J. Samuel Kiran Ayyagaru, Vice President, Bible Mission, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh
Smt. J. Prameela Selvaraj Ammagaru, Convenor, Women Conventions, Bible Mission, Guntur.
Smt. J. Reena Samuel Ammagaru, Kakani Swasthishala, Guntur.

Date: May 11th, 2011.
Time: 6 PM to 9 PM.
Venue: Blessing Worship Centre, 1st Cross, Marathalli Bridge, Bangalore.

Details: Invitation to all brothers and sisters in Christ. Bible Mission's first meetings in Bangalore. Please pray for God's blessings on these meetings and please participate.

For directions and further details, please write to onesim@gmail.com.

The Prayer Steps of The Bible Mission

'PRAYER STEPS', the method of praying to God or the order of using prayer climbing
from one step to another.

1. Concentration Of Mind:

· When we are in prayer and meditation, we should not allow any evil thoughts to come into
our minds. Thoughts of filth and dreadful things should not be allowed to come into the
mind. We should drive them out by force.
· We should not allow what sins we have committed and what evil nature we have, to come
into our minds. We should keep them out by force.
· The sins that others have committed and evil nature of others should not be allowed to
come into our minds. We should drive them out by force.
· Even good things should not come into our minds as long as we are in meditation though
they are not bad, because they divert our attention while we are meditating. So we
should also drive them out by force.
· Concentration of mind must be continued during every step of prayer.
· Faith that God would answer prayer should be exercised during every step of prayer.
· Praise to God also should be continued during each step of prayer.
· The thought of God alone should occupy our minds during the meditation. While some
people exercise concentration of mind their brain becomes weak and they get mental
disease. We must beware of it.

Some people spend their time in meditation by fasting. Cold water does not agree with
some people. Hot water does not agree with some other people. So also, fasting does not agree
with some other people. Why should you fast when you cannot stand? My suggestion is that you
can have prayer and meditation on any convenient day between 7 P.M. and 10 P.M. after which
you can have your meal or early in the morning of the next day.

When the concentration of our mind is accomplished, we will certainly think of God and
we will have an imaginary picture of God. Instead of an imaginary picture of God some people
feel the very presence of God.
When we have the imaginary picture of God or when we feel the presence of God, we will
be filled with the perfect peace of God.

· The very thought of God convinces us that He is with us.
· Because we have a form, we desire to see God, who is formless, in the form of man, if
not, we will not be satisfied. So we have to think of Him in human form.
· When we have an imaginary picture of God, we should not think it is a pigment of our
imagination because it is supported by the fact that God is omni-present.
After firmly fixing our mind on God, we should prostrate before Him with all reverence at
our command and worship Him. The hard work of the first step is now over; let us climb up to the
second step.

2. Confession Of Our Sins To God:

· We are now in the presence of God and before we make our requests to Him we should
confess our unworthiness to Him. By thought, word and deed we are sinful and so we
should confess our sins, feel sorry for them and ask God for His forgiveness.
· Before we do this, we should confess our offences against others and seek forgiveness.
Prayer for forgiveness may be given as follows:
Our Heavenly Father...
· Forgive me all the sins I committed unwittingly against Thee.
· Forgive me all the sins I committed against Thee willfully.
· Forgive the sins I have committed against others.
· Forgive me the sins I committed against myself.
· Forgive me the sins I committed on account of others compulsion.
· Forgive me the sins I committed to please others.
· Pardon me for misusing my wisdom, conscience and other gifts of Thine.
· Forgive me for the feeling of disgust toward others.
· Forgive me for the feeling of disgust towards Thee not understanding Thy dealing with
· Forgive me because many times I was inclined to forget Thee in doing my life-work.
· Now we climb to the third step.

3. Promise To God To Lead A New Life:

We should first make a promise to God in the following manner:
· O God I promise not to commit the sins that I already committed.
· I promise not to commit any new sins.
· I promise to lead a new life completely trusting in Thee.

4. Surrender:

O Creator now I surrender unto Thy keeping and protection my body, mind and spirit with
my whole life as well as my house and everything in it.

5. Subjects Of Prayer:

· Here the readers may pour out all their needs before God such as small and great
needs for body, mind and soul.
· They may also pour out their hearts before God for others.
· They may also put before God all their requests for the whole creation.
· Then we have to offer the following prayer:
O Lord I beseech Thee to grant all other petitions which I have committed in my prayers
through forgetfulness and ignorance.
· O Lord, I did not pray for certain items thinking that they are too small to pray for and that
they may displease Thee. So, forgive ommission and grant all those requests in the way
Thou pleasest.
· I beseech Thee to correct me if I have any unworthy request.

6. Praise to God:

O Creator, I praise Thee for enabling me to climb up the first five steps and to reach the
sixth step.
· I believe that Thou hast heard all my previous prayers and I praise Thee for the same.
· I beg Thee to confirm my prayers.
· I beseech Thee to confirm my faith.
· I pray Thee to confirm my praise.
· O God, vouchsafe to hear my humble prayers because of Thy glorious manifestation of
Thyself i.e. revelation of Thyself through the whole creation through Thy holy attributes,
through the conscience implanted in me by Thee and in the most precious names such
as God, Creator, Father, Saviour, Redeemer, Sustainer, Protector, Revealer, Supreme
Being, Preserver of the world etc.

7. Waiting upon God:

We now climb to the throne of God.
We should wait upon God to know what God would tell us about the six steps of prayer,
we have just now completed.
When we approach an authority or a higher officer to make our requests, we wait at the
office to receive answers to our petitions. In the same way, we should wait upon our Heavenly
Father to know what He would say about our six steps of prayer. After He had heard our prayers,
our Creator would appear to us and answer our questions of ours. What a glorious step this is! I
call this step heaven on earth. Every individual very often should adopt this method.
Important: Exercise implicit faith and praise on every step of prayer.
Notice that the first step is on earth and we gradually climb up to the throne of God; our spiritual
life will gradually grow as we climb up step by step the most sinful, the wicked, the ignorant, the
stubborn and even the atheist will derive great benefit by frequently adopting these seven steps
of prayer.
A minister once asked an atheist to repeat several times the following prayer: "O God
have mercy upon me." The atheist said " I cannot do it because I don't believe in the existence of
God. Then the minister told him to repeat the prayer to test whether there is God or not,
irrespective of his belief in His existence. After he repeated the prayer several times, the godless
man cried out " O God, I believe that Thou art here with me."

 - by Father M Devadas

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Praising God for His divine attributes - 4

Though God is uniquely only one, He revealed himself to us in the Book of his word as
Father, Son and Holy spirit. So when God is referred he is spoken of as one individual in three
persons as well as three individuls in one person. Yet God is only One, and not three. When we
say that He revealed himself as three persons, the human interpretation that there are three gods
does not fit in the case of God. In their working - Father created the Universe and all in it ; Son
has borne the sin of the whole Universe and redeemed it ; Holy Spirit reveals the truth, gives
wisdom and strengthens to make us glorify God. This revelation of the mystery of Trinity we
received from Him is beyond our comprehension ( understanding) and so we need not meditate
about it any further into this mystery. It will be beneficial if we rejoice in our spirit and be
content with the revealed explanation of the Truth. This is illustrated by the fact of flame, light
and heattogether make into one fire. We recognise that even if one of these three is
extinguished, the fire goes out. We can not say that these three are individual things but say that
the fire isonly one.In a similar manner, we understand that God is only one, and is revealed in
Faith and praise :Oh Father as we meditgate onl the wonder of your revelation as Father, Son
and the Holy spirit, and the wonder of one God in three persons and the three individuals in one
person, We rejoice to adore your wonderful Name. Our Father even as you are Truine, you
created us as truine body, sould nd spirit(I Thess 5:23) So we worship you with all our hearts.

It is written that God created man in his own image and likeness (Genesis 1:26-28; 5:1)
What do his image and likeness mean ? His divine qualities are his image and likeness. He
created man by putting his qualities in him just as son inherits the qualities of his father, God
gave us his qualities even before we knew him. In this we notice God’s love. He gave also those
things which were created for our needs and these his gifts showhis love toward us. All of him
and the creation he made are ours through his gift to us and this thought must fill ourhearts with
love, gratitude and adoration for Him.
Faith and praise : O God, we offer our joyful thanks for the gift of your good attributes
and nature to each of us who believed in your name. When any evil that is contrary to your
divine nature enters our it causes grief to youas well as to us. Yet , to avoid your name being
dishonored, and to protect us from perishing by our grief, you have provided a way of cleaning
us of our evil through the shed blood of your son. For this your benevolentg and wise provision
we offer ourjoyful praises. This gift of your own goodness to us is the greatest of all your gifts to
us. You have given your word in the Book to enable us understand all these gifts, and so this
Book is a great gift indeed. We offer our wholehearted praises of your name for all your gifts.

 - by Father M Devadas

Praising God for His divine attributes - 3

· HOLINESS : Some people have a misconception that God Himself is the root cause of
goodness as well as evil. But how can the Holy God commit sin ? In case God commits
sin or becomes the cuse for sin, He will be the greatest sinner amongst sinners. If He is
sinner, how can He be God ? Does light become darkness and darkness becomes light ?
Faith and praise :O Father, as you are utterly Holy, you have created everything holy. So
we offer our praises. Thogh I am a sinner you will make me Holy and after relieving mefrom
this sinful world at last, you will take me to Heaven which is the abode of Holiness. So we offer
our praises to your Holy Name. Our Holy Father, you abhor sin becuse you are Holy, yet you
are merciful towards sinners. Hence we adore you for this your goodness, After the lst
judgement, you will change this sinful world into a holy world and make it a part of the
Heaven.So we offer our praises to your Holy Name. After that the remaining people on this
world are not aware of sin. As such, the people now in the heaven are sinless for which we
adore your excellent Name. Oh, Holy one, Oh, Holy One, who is, who was and who is to come
(Rev:1 :78)
in all the places and among all saved people only you are worthy of all honour and praise. You
are the Holy one so you have not created sin, so we offer our praises. You were not the creator
of either sin or its consequences. Oh Father, you are the source and sustainer of holiness. So
accept our everlasting praises of your great name.

· FREEDOM : God has absolute freedom. So he is not bound to follow the wishes of
somebody else. He does not need to depend upon someone. Nobody is superior to him,
so he has no need to obey somebody’s orders. While he is doing everything according to
his own will, there is no hindrance for completion of his works.
Faith and praise : Our Father you have given freedom to every creature you created for
which I rejoice whole heartedly. You have given me freedom to worship you whole heartedly
without compulsion, for which I offer my delightful salutations. To our first parents you gave
freedom to eat freely every fruit in the garden. Even now we too have this freedom to enjoy
you have provided for us in this creation. For this gift of yours we offer our hearty praises to
your Name. You have provided every spiritual blessing to the believers. We would not say that
we are short of this nd we are short of that, and you desire that we enjoy every gift without any
limitation. For these bounteous gifts we adore your great name. We extol your goodness while
rejoicing and meditating on your word - “For all things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or
Cephas or the world orlife or death or the present orther future, all the yours; and you are
Christs and Christ is God’s; (I Corinthians 3:21-23) So we extol your good name.

· OMNIPRESENCE : God is Omnipresent. There is no place in the Universe where He
is not present. So we must be conscious always that whatever and wherever we do
anything, it is known to Him, and so this awareness must make us to live carefully in
everything and everywhere. You can not hide anything from Him. If you acknowledge
this greatness of His. He will help youin every place. In Acts 2: 1-4, it is written that
while the disciples were waiting in prayer in the upper room, for the promised Holy
Spirit, they heard a sound from heaven and it filled all the house as they themselves
were filled with the Holy spirit, If you accept this, He will fill all your heart also. How
good the news is this to you to give great joy !
Faith and Praise : Our Father, we adore you because you are present everywhere in the
Universe. You will stay by my side whether I am in my house, or outside orin travel, or in your
Church or at the school or at the workspot. You are with me whether I am in a safe place or in a
dangerous place. Your presence makes me rejoice whether I am in this world or in Heaven. We
offer ourhearty praise of your greatness because you are with us whether we are asleep or in
careless state, whether we are in darkness or in light. We rejoice at the good thought that you, the
Omnipresent God, will be with me in every place I go in the entire universe and throughout all
time. You have provided this blessed life for mealong with the Holy angels and your saints in
your presence. So with this joyful thought, we heartily bless your great Name.

 - by Father M Devadas

Praising God for His divine attributes - 2

· JUSTICE : God is Just. He will never act against the nature ofthe creation. For
example, two fives result in ten ; He will never make it nine even if we pray earnestly.
If He has done so it will be against the order of the nature. He is perfectly just and
judging the men in rewarding and punishing them according to His law.
Faith and Praise : O God you are the embodiment of justice. So we adore your great
Name.As you are just you are punishing the accused. No matter how much sinful one is if he
repents and prays to you, You are just enough to forgive him saying that it is quiet reasonable to
save him. For this your great quality we adore you. As you are the originator of justice, You will
place everyone according to his needs. You will grant everyone as much as one needs. So we
praise your name. You will never commit injustice, so we offer our praises. We notice that
often you will keep silent even if you observe wickedness and afflictions in this world. It is right
in your sight since you have given the privilege of freedom to men. You will not prevent them
from doing so. But according to your justice you have appointed a day of judgment to punish
the wicked who have wilfully misused the freedom. Further, you are giving plenty of time for
the man to repent and to come to you. For this reason you are keeping silent, so we praise you.
When you observe men in difficult times, you will keep silent because you want them to grow in
wisdom and to start a new life. For these your excellent qualities, we worship you and honor

· POWER: God is the power. So He is able to do everything He wishes. Nothing is
impossible with him. One Christian preacher was asked whether God can commit sin.
Then the preacher replied that God will never. Then the enquirer stated that we call God
as the Almighty, when He can not sin. The preacher then said that sinning is like falling
down form holiness, and so does falling down require strength ? Will you state that a
person is strong when he often falls down ?
Faith and praise : O God, You are powerful, and we extol you for your exceedingly
great strength. Oh Father, we bless your great Name, because the great heavens and the vast
earth are your creation and are sustained by your power. Oh Father there is nothing you can not
do for my sake. Hence, we magnify you. Even if I go astray and enter the Sheol or uttermost
parts of the earth you are mighty enough to save mefrom there. So I adore your mighty Name.
We bless your glorious name because you with your might enable us todo those things that can
not be done with our strength. We adore your wonderful Name because you are strong enough
to provide us everything we need, as well as remove those things that we do not need and those
things that harm us. I recognize that you can take me to heaven by your power, as I have
already known that I can not scend to heave on my own accord. Hence, I heartily praise your
esteemed name.

· WISDOM : God isan embodiment of knowledge and wisdom. So no one is capable of
advising Him and counsel Him. We can recognize the growth in the field of knoweldge
by looking at the many innovations made by modern men these days. How excellent
God’s wisdom is which gave human beings such vast knowledge to that great extent.
Even if we share all our knowledge with one another we can never understand how
excellent God’s wisom is. No two things are alike. No two men are alike. No two
animals are alike. No two trees are alike.Unless we thoroughly observe and examine it,
we can not conclude it so.“Oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and
knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgements and how inscrutable his
ways! for who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been His counsellor ?or who
has given a gift to Him that He might be repaid ? For from Him, and through Him and to
Him are all things. To whom be glory for ever and ever” (Romans 11:33-36)
Faith and praise : O God, you are the embodiment of all wisdom and knowledge, we
delight in meditating your excellent Name. Even when I work according tomy foolishness, you
enlighten me with lamp of your wisdom and enable me to do wise things. So I rejoice in
praising your good Name. When we examine the history of creation you made for us, we
observe your wisdom in the excellent order and structure. The way you created man only after
creating all that he needs shows the great order of your excellent and unsearchable wisdom.
You have not created first things last and last things first. But you have wisely created
everything in its due time. So we rejoice in the goodness of your wisdom. You have arranged
everything according to itsproper plaement. You have kept the things in wilderness which should
be kept in the wilderness.You have kept the things in the sea which sould be kept in the sea. The
arrangement and order in your creation shows your excellent wisdom. So I rejoice in your deeds
of wisdom and knowledge.

 - by Father M Devadas

Praising God for His divine attributes - 1

THE CELESTIAL BEING : God is the God Himself. God is the wonderful one. He
is the First one, existing even before anything that was created. He is the great, good and
eternal God. Though He is without form, He is a person.
Faith and praise : Oh God as you are the true God you are beyond the very idea of our
knowledge. So we extol your excellent greatness. You yourself have formed the idea of your
existence. Hence we adore you.

· LIFE : Since God is full of life and activity He cannot remain inactive and idle. He can
not stay away from creating man even when He knows that man will fall into sin. He
rather may save the sinner but did not stop creating Him. The divine attribute of Life is
all pervasive with all his other attributes. Likewise each divine attribute is pervasive with
all the remaining divine qualities. All the divine qualities are interrelated. Each divine
quality, while in activity, mingles with the other divine qualities emerging as a single
divine attribute.
Faith and Praise : O God you being life itself continue to inspire us with life daily,
hence we worship you. When the life which was poured in me by you recedes (Weakens) You
are the only one that strengthens and renews my life for which we magnify you. You are the
sustainer of life in every human-being. When the human beings lose the strength of life they will
die. In due time, you will resurrect them and will make them alive again. So we praise you for
your great creative power. You are the source of life, not only for the physical life, but also for
our spiritual life. Whenever I become weak in my spiritual life, only you revive and strengthen
me with the gift of renewed life. So we extol your good deeds. You have started this good work
in me now and here itself to bless me with eternal life in heaven. So we offer our thankful
praises. As you are living eternally you granted grace to live with you forever and ever. Accept
our worship and praise.
· LOVE : God is the Love by nature. So He forgives us no matter how many times we
sin. He prepared everything we need even before we were created. Bestowing us with
all these things we desire vivid(clear) evidence of his love.
Faith and praise : O God we worship you for you are the embodiment of Love. You
could not keep away form creating me becuase you yourself is Love. You created me intending
that I could be with you in your presence for ever. So grateful salutes to you. Just becuase of
your love towards me you have prepared everything I need even before I was born. Your
exceeding love for me has otivated you to become a man like me in every aspect keeping my
salvation in your mind. For this we extol your great Name. In this context I am exceedingly
delighted to read the verse which goes “For God so loved the world that He gave his only
begotten Son” You have implanted this nature of love in men unto men and in creatures unto
creatures to understand your love for us explicitly. You have revealed your great qualities such
as your love in the word of God and you are teaching us by your Holy spirit. So for these gifts
that reveal your love we praise you.

 - by Father M Devadas

Praising God for His divine qualities

In us both the divine qualities and evil qualities are mixed up together. It is our
duty to have the evil nature eliminated from us through the meditation of God’s attributes. Prayer
to God is very useful for this purpose.
· Oh God you are the Everlasting Being. You were not created by somebody else and you
are the eternal and self-existent person. So we thank you.
· Oh God, you are the Light. Hence you have made the Sun and moon and the stars and
gave light to them. You have given light to the eyes of all the creatures to see around.
Hence we praise you.
· Oh God you are the knowledge and Wisdom. So you have bestowed knowledge and
wisdom to the hosts of angels, to men and to all the creatures. By that wisdom countless
mysteries are being revealsed and explained. You were revealed to our knowledge. So
we offer our praises to you.
· Oh God you are the Love. All the creatures in the creation love one another so also do
men love one another. Hence we praise you.
· Oh God you are the just God. Hence you forgive us. Inspite of that you will punish the
people who do wrong and also you can forgive them. Hence we salute you.
· Oh God you are the Holy one. Though there is sin the world, there remains the holiness
as well. There is cleanliness in the rain water and tin the fruits. Though there is sin in
men there remains the holiness also. Hence we salute you.
· Oh God you are the power. Hence, you have given the power to the men and to the other
creatures so they are able to walk and work. Hence we offer our gratefull praises to you.
· Oh God you are the Omnipresent God, therefore everywhere prevails your honour which
includes love, life, holiness, your workmanship and your protection. Hence our grateful
thanks to you.
· Oh God you are without form. Hence you are not visible to us sinners. Though
you are not visible God, You appear to some in visions and to some in dreams. So we
offer our hearty thanks.
· Oh God you are Sovereign Being. You are the Independent one by nature. You
do not need any advice from others. Hence you do everything on your own. So we
thank you.Oh God you have given your wonderful and divine qualities to angels and to
human beings as well. For that we offer our praises. One of the angels after failling into
sin lost your good qualities, Likewise, human beings having fallen in the sin, have
been losing almost all of your qualities. Even then you are showing long-suffering
towards them. So we praise you. Oh God, you will bestow your talents to those who
prazy to you. So, we bless you. Oh God you have sent your beloved son Jesus Christ
into the world and in Him you have manifested your qualities. So we offer our profuse
thanks to you. Oh God, if we examine and observe everything in the creation, we can
easily find your Good qualities in it. Hence, we praise you. And Oh God, after
removing evil nature from the believers, you are taking them to Heaven. There, they
have been enjoying your great qualities forever. So we ffer our sincere and pure praises.

 - by Father M Devadas

The events after GOD’s Second Coming

           After the ascension of the bride (the congregation of the believers who are selected by the Lord) the rest of the people who are left behind will undergo seven years of Tribulation.  This tribulation will be caused by the enemy of Christ  the anti- Christ.  During that period many people will get repentance.  (Rev 6:1-17; Mark 13:19; Zephanaiah 1:14-18).  Lord Jesus Christ will come form heaven and make war against anti-Christ at Armageddon and will cast him and his companion namely the false prophet and demons into the lake of fire.  And Jesus Christ will bind Satan for one thousand years in a bottomless pit or in the abyss.  (Rev 16:12-15; 19:19,20; Zech 14th Chapter).

         Later the Lord Jesus Christ will reign on earth peacefully.  During this period gospel will be preached completely to the whole world (Rev 20:4-6; 19:15-16; 5:10).  The Lord will put His throne on the earth to judge the people who heard the gospel during the period of thousand years and He will hear their decisions.  This is called ‘the judgement of the living nations’ and otherwise called the judgement which separates the sheep and the goats.’

          When the Lord looses Satan from the bottomless pit, He will come on the earth and will collect several nations as an army and will make war against the Lord.  Fire which comes from heaven will devour that army of Satan.  Then the Lord will cast Satan into the lake of fire (Rev 20:7-10).  Later the Last judgement, the Lord will judge all people from the time of Adam. 

          In this judgement some will ask “Lord have we not prophesied in Your Name?”   (Rev 20:11-15; Ecc 12:14; Daniel 2:27-29).  The spirits of those who died in Christ will go to Paradise.  This place is also a part of heaven.  This was the place about which the Lord had told on to one of the thieves while He was crucified.  16:22; 23:43; II Cor 12:14; Rev 2:7).  The spirits of those who died without repentance will be in Hades.

         St. Peter in his epistles writes about Christ going to this place and preaching there.  Because God is Almighty He can save those that have repented, even after their death also.  In Psalms 139:8 it was written that ‘If I make my bed in hell, behold thou art there..even there shall thy hand lead me.’  This point can be known form the book ‘Heavenly visions’ written by Sadhu Sundar Singh. (Ps 9:17; 139:8; Amos 9:2; I Sam 2:6; I Peter 3:20; 4:6; Phill 2:9-11; Isa 13:14). Heavenly Congregation of Prayer:  In this congregation prayers will be made for the sake of earth.  It will be very delightful to know more about this prayer group.  (Rev 4:6; Is 6:3; Eze 1st chapter).

            The bride will dwell in the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2).  Those believers who are not included in the group called ‘the Bride’ will go to another part of Heaven which is called ‘heaven for the saved.’ (Rev 7:1-14; 20:4; 14:3).  The believers during the period of vials (held by angels) will remain on earth forever.  After the thousand year reign, this earth will be a part of heaven.’ (Rev 21:1; II Peter 3:13).

- by Father M Devadas

Bible Mission's statement of FAITH

The Bible Mission believes in the following:

     We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was like a human in outward appearance but God in eternal state. We also believe that He explicitly manifested his love and real God-head through His divine preachings, miraculous good deeds and vicarious death upon the cross bearing my sins, diseases, punishments; and rising from the grave on the third day and ascending into Heaven. We also believe that He is now interceding for all the human beings and shall come back to rapture His Church in His Second Coming.

Afterwards there will be seven years of terrible tribulation to those who were left behind. Later in the war at Armageddon between Anti-Christ and Christ; the Anti-Christ and False Prophet shall be thrown into the hell and Satan shall be imprisoned for one thousand years in the Abyss, during which period the Lord shall reign over the whole earth for a thousand years. And we also believe that at the end of His reign the Lord shall judge both the living and the dead.

     As Christ, the Lord releases Satan from the Abyss, Satan will come to the earth and from two armies namely Gog and Magog and will fight against God only to get defeated, and Christi will throw him into hell. We believe that, later on, the Lord shall judge all the people and send the unbelievers into Hell. We believe that, eventually, as the saints on this earth are like one unified church, the earth shall become a part of Heaven and Christ, the Lord shall reside both in Heaven and on earth.

     We believe in the Holy Spirit and that He is unitedly working with the Father and the Son as one God. We also believe that the Holy Bible was written by His moving inspiration and that it can be understood only through His enlightenment and that He alone can handover to the believer the salvation intended by the Father, acquired by the Son through His precious blood. We also believe that the Holy Spirit is the God who is equally worthy to be worshipped along with the Father and the Son. We believe in the fellowship of saints, resurrection and the eternal life.

- by Father M Devadas

Precepts of the Bible Mission as professed by Father M. Devadas

Baptism: The water baptism given by the pastor is the baptism for the spiritual life. This baptism is performed in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. God is our Father and we are his children. This birth relationship is established by baptism. In the Bible it is simply mentioned as baptism but no clear method of baptizing is specified. The pastor using water without any measure baptizes him that repents and believes in Christ in the Name of the Trinity. Therefore baptism wither by immersion or by sprinkling of water is correct. In the Gospel of Matthew 28th Chapter verse 19, our Lord commands to baptize in the name of the father, Son and the Holy Ghost. Hence the baptism either by immersion or by sprinkling is accepted. If a person is baptized once, no matter when he received it or by whom it is performed, in which way it is performed, in which denomination it is performed is baptism. A person baptized in the name of Trinity should not be baptized again. The apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:5 writes ‘one Lord, one Faith, one baptism.’ Hence baptism is one.

Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Through water baptism, one will get membership in a Church. But through the baptism of the Holy Spirit, one will get heavenly membership. This baptism of the Holy spirit is given by Lord Jesus Christ. It is the chief instrument for the development of the spiritual life and also for the spread of the gospel. In John 3:5 it is written ‘Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.’ Hence, the baptism of the Holy Spirit is vital in the life of every Christian.

Washing of the Feet: Our Lord washed the foot of His disciples before the last supper administered the last supper to His disciples as written in John 13:1-5. In John 13:15 Jesus said “for I have given you an example, that ye should do as I had done to you.” He had set an example and commanded His disciples to follow. In obedience to this word pastors should wash the feet of the believer before administering communion to him for the first time.

The Lord’s Supper: By observing the Lord’s Supper the believer will receive the body and blood of Christ inwardly. It is desirable to observe the Lord’s supper as often as possible. Some sick people will be healed of their diseases if they observe the Lord’s supper. (I Cor 11: 23-34).

Word of God: The Holy Bible was written by the inspiration of God. It is the base of Christianity. This book reveals the mind of God. God may reveal some points through creation, the conscience, divine revelation, good deeds and through troubles. In addition to the written word. When we show the word of God to Satan he will become dumb. Our Lord when He was tempted by Satan on the Mount rebuked Satan by quoting the scriptures. (Matthew 4th Chapter).

Tithes: God commanded the Jews to offer a tenth portion of their income in the temple. The Lord said to prophet Malachi that if they offered tithes they will prosper (Mal 3:10). Apostle Paul also mentioned that the Macedonians offered beyond their power. Hence, every believer should sincerely contribute their tithes to the church and if possible try to offer amounts in excess of the tithes.

Wearing of Jewellery: Regarding wearing of Jewellery in the Old Testament it is written that Rebecca adorned herself with precious jewellery, in the time of Moses also the Lord commanded that the Israelites should borrow precious jewels form the Egyptians and adorn their women with them. In the New Testament our Lord says in Mark 9: 43-47 “if thine hand offend thee cut it off....” Hence whatever could offend can and should be removed. The Bride in New Jerusalem will be adorned with ornaments. They are ornaments of glory. To the Bride in this world ornaments are not forbidden. Adorning with indecent jewellery is not admissible.

On faith and Healing:

Divine Healing: Divine Healing means healing experienced through the prayers of faith without the use of medicine. God has put the healing powers in herbs and plants. Hence, it is not wrong to use medicines. But it is better to get healing through prayer of faith.

Leading a life based on faith: To believe that salvation is available only through Jesus Christ, its nourishment only available through Jesus Christ, and to believe that all the necessary things for physical and spiritual life are available with Christ is Faith. In Philippians 4:19 it is written that ‘God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.’ In Matthew 10:10 it is written our Lord says ‘that the workmen is worthy of his meat.

Casting of devils: Lord Jesus Christ commanded His disciples in Matt 10:8 to cast out devils and has given his disciples the power to do so. Even today the Lord is giving this gift to his believers to rebuke devils and cast them away. (Some people do not believe in the existence of devils. The devils like this kind of false notion.)

Prayer and Meditation in God’s presence

Waiting upon the Lord:  Every believer should practice the habit of waiting upon the Lord for an hour everyday.  Distinction should be made between prayer and waiting upon the Lord. After we pray we should wait for sometime in His presence so that the Lord may respond to our Prayers Hence, this practice of waiting upon the Lord should be observed by all the believers. 

God’s Presence:  After finding a convenient time and place and having cleanliness of heart, body and clothes if we gather together, sing a song, read the word of God one by one, conduct prayers according to prayer steps and if we question the Lord about our doubts and inquiries the Lord will appear and speak to us and will answer all our questions.

  • At one time God will appear and speak.
  • Sometimes, He will send His angels.
  • He may send the spirit of the Heavenly saints.
  • He may send the spirit of a saint on the earth.
  • He may send the spirits of the ungodly people of this world.
  • He may send the spirit of ungodly people who were dead.
  • God will send whomsoever we request.  They will appear to us, talk to us and give  replies to our queries.
  • He may also allow a demon to appear to us.  After the demon has gone, He will comfort us saying that we should not believe the word of the demon and not fear.

            Even if we possess all the riches, fame, education etc. nothing can be equaled to the privilege of waiting upon the Lord.  Because of meditation all our privileges will prosper.

 - by Father M Devadas